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DryStar LED

1. The Heidelberg DryStar LED – the most powerful LED drying system fitted for Speedmaster XL 75, CD/CX 102, SX 102 und XL 106
2. Available as a one bar end-of-press solution up to an interchangeable multi-bar system
3. Most efficient curing at production speeds of up to 18,000 sheets per hour
4. Lowest energy consumption with Auto Format Setting (AFS) and the Instant on/off system (IOOS)
5. Most modern semi-conductor technology combined with efficient cooling make for up to 25,000 production hours


Even with high ink coverages, the LED system designed by Heidelberg achieves best curing results of highly reactive LED inks and LED coating applications in sheetfed offset printing.

The system runs at lowest energy consumption and still delivers highest performance. During stand-by and make ready it automatically reduces consumption to close to zero. When entering the sheet size at the Prinect Press Center, Auto Format Setting sets all LEDs accordingly in lateral and circumferential direction. This results in additional energy savings of up to 30% during full production.

The emitted light is optimally focused via the double lens technology. The high distance between sheet and the LED-dryer reduces the heat input on the substrate to a minimum and ensures safe sheet travel.


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