Benchmark to Perform
Learn how Prinect Performance Benchmarking from Heidelberg can get you a competitive edge over your competitor
Have you ever thought how other presses perform with the same set of technologies and machines that you have? Has it occurred to you that some comparison might actually help you catalyze the production in your own press?
Now, with Prinect Performance Benchmarking from Heidelberg, you can compare the production of your press with that of others, on the basis of accurate data. Using this Internet-based solution, you can make anonymous comparisons of the production of your Speedmaster press with that of your competition.
In this performance analysis, presses are compared over some parameters. These are:
+ Good Production Speed
+ Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
+ Speed Index
+ Time Index
The performance of all the connected machines is automatically recorded, and Heidelberg evaluates this centrally. The performance of your press over the chosen parameters is compared with the average performance of all the presses, and the best performer from among the participating ones.
How It Works
All Speedmaster presses are connected through Remote Services to the Prinect productivity server in Heidelberg. When you switch on the OK sheet counter, production data automatically starts getting recorded. It then gets transferred to the productivity server on a daily basis, and the evaluation is done on the server.
Printers who choose to participate can access the productivity server themselves through the Internet. The Prinect Online Portal is designed such that you can see the production report from your press displayed alongside the anonymous comparison data. This allows you to compare your performance to the average productivity of the connected presses, and also with the best performer of the lot.
What You Need
There are only two technical requirements for Prinect Performance Benchmarking. These are that the Speedmaster presses should have Heidelberg’s web-based remote service activated, and that they should be equipped with software version S10A or later for the Prinect Press Center.
The central server at Heidelberg receives all the performance data through remote service technology from the presses that are connected to it. The data is stored in a protected database. Network security and the required Internet connectivity are not the responsibility of Heidelberg.
Is Your Data Safe?
Yes. You can rest assured about the security and confidentiality of the data extracted from your machine. Heidelberg makes sure that appropriate and effective security measures are taken, and that this data is not used for any purpose other than the Performance Benchmarking evaluation. No other participant can gain access to your information.
How You Benefit
The business benefits of this benchmarking exercise are quite obvious. In today’s cutthroat market, you need to have an edge over the competition. Having access to data that you can compare with your competitors helps you ensure higher productivity in your own press. So, some of the benefits of this exercise are:
+ Direct comparison of productivity on the basis of the latest data
+ Options to choose the comparison parameters for your machines
+ Transparency of national and international markets
+ Regular updation of anonymous benchmarks, giving you a standard to compare against
+ Adjustable comparison classes
+ Availability of effective tools that let you optimize your processes and cut costs
So get started today to leverage these benefits, and raise the bar on productivity in your own press.