A Speedmaster XL 75-4 is commissioned in Bristol
A Speedmaster XL 75-4 is being commissioned at The Printco in Bristol. It is a supplementary press which will lead to more staff being employed over the coming months, bringing the total to 24. This includes not only additional press minders but finishing and sales employees.Although The Printco already runs a Speedmaster XL 75-5, it did review other press options before coming down in favour of Heidelberg.
“We looked a number of factors but we are drawn to Heidelberg because of the output we know that can be achieved and the response to service and back up. You know you will get a response from early morning to late at night,” says Danny Lock, chief operations officer. “This time round we have elected to have four printing units and a coater because the existing five-colour can handle all the specials. The existing press has Axis Control but this time we are having Inpress Control 2 spectral measurement and adjustment on the run. Although it is a higher cost we have calculated that the claw back in make ready times and waste will mean it has paid for itself within 18 months.”
The new press features the new Wallscreen XL and Intellistart 2 which calculates the optimum job flow and settings and provides a graphic display which helps operators see exactly what is happening on press and any actions they must take, step by step.
The company is also installing Pressroom Manager, an integrated digital workflow that improves efficiency and speeds up set up times and provides real time management data allowing for bottlenecks to be analysed and changed.The Printco will run the new press on flexible double day shifts to meet the demands of its customers, a mix of trade and direct work. It places a strong emphasis on continued growth. The additional press will enable even greater flexibility and enable Printco to be highly competitive and still achieve the tight turnarounds and the quality customers are seeking.