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The World Of Color Multicolor

Multicolor technology from Heidelberg covers up to 95 percent of the Pantone® color space, from the CMYK Multicolor process colors plus orange, green, and violet. Complex and costly spot colors that are printed separately are thus a thing of the past.

Spot colors are expensive. This old adage applies not just to customers but first and foremost to print shops. After each job, ink first has to be removed with a spatula and then the inking units need to be washed and refilled. But why should users waste any time at all with spot colors if Multicolor process colors also produce the desired result? This question is all the more relevant when using Anicolor and digital printing systems.

Multicolor technology from Heidelberg covers up to 95 percent of the Pantone® color space with the conventional CMYK process colors and the three additional colors orange, green, and violet — and does so to perfection. Dispensing with separately printed spot colors and software-based mixing of the desired color tones opens up enormous potential for savings, particularly in packaging printing. What’s more, Prinect Multicolor software can also be combined with Heidelberg workflows and other manufacturers’ packaging workflows.

The software converts all the spot color tones of a print sheet that are contained in the PDF into Multicolor process colors. The user is then given a preview showing a visual comparison of the original colors with the Multicolor process colors and the expected color deviations in Delta E. At the touch of a button, the software converts all the spot colors in the PDF into the defined Multicolor process colors. In the Prinect Prepress workflow, this can also be carried out fully automatically and without manual intervention.

Heidelberg Multicolor technology can be integrated easily with the Print Color Management service from Heidelberg. As well as taking the unique technology into operation, this comprehensive package also offers numerous additional services. These include expert training for prepress and pressroom staff, successful integration into the prepress workflow and the printing system, and the ability to fully control the process independently with other substrates and inks.

Heidelberg Multicolor technology offers maximum potential for savings combined with outstanding quality.


The key features in 15 seconds

Multicolor technology from Heidelberg delivers the world of color on a single sheet. What’s more, the Print Color Management service from Heidelberg ensures the necessary process reliability, while employees receive training covering all process areas so as to achieve optimum color results.

  • All-in-one solution that covers up to 95 percent of the Pantone color space with the seven Multicolor process colors CMYK, orange, green, and violet
  • Software tools that incorporate the unique Heidelberg color expertise
  • Suitable for offset and digital printing, Anicolor technology
  • Less waste, shorter production and faster delivery times
  • Print Color Management service — know-how transfer and process reliability in Multicolor separation, ensuring optimum print quality that can be reproduced at any time



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