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The high-performance control station. Prinect Press Center XL 2

The Prinect Press Center XL 2 control station for Heidelberg presses takes great expectations in its stride, setting new standards in operating philosophy.State-of-the-art technology, smart automation, and excellent data management create the conditions for sustainable efficient production and provide the investment security that print companies need today and in the future. At the same time, the new generation of control stations systematically harnesses all available potential to minimize the time spent on each print job.
The Prinect Press Center XL 2 is therefore designed for the highest productivity requirements.Additionally discover the opportunities offered by industrial printing production of tomorrow with the new and unique Wallscreen XL. Take the crucial step towards automated job changing with Push to Stop and navigate through complex makeready processes with Intellistart 2.


Maximum user-friendliness

  • The Prinect Press Center XL 2 offers maximum user-friendliness thanks to outstanding ergonomics
  • High-performance control station with generous sheet deposit area and 4 drawers
  • Integrated standard daylight lamp with Fresnel lens technology for optimized illumination (ISO 3664 compliant) with ambient light shield and software-based monitoring of the lamps’ operating hours
  • Sturdy 19-inch multi-touchscreen for direct and intuitive machine operation. Unique, individual positioning using the touchscreen swivel arm with additional tilt and turn functions
  • Remote ink adjustment with direct input of the ink zone settings and immediate visualization of the ink profile in coarse and fine diodes on the ink zone display
  • Effective protection of electronic components against dust and water (protection to IP54)
  • Magnetic storage box for utensils for free positioning on the Prinect Press Center XL 2

Maximum productivity

  • Comprehensive package of integrated software applications for shortest makeready times and high productivity
  • Quick and reliable job changes with the patented Intellistart assistance system to boost productivity
  • While one job is being processed, the next is being prepared
  • The current press settings are compared with the settings required for the next job, and the information obtained is used to automatically generate a job change program
  • The intelligent use of all relevant information relating to the current job and the next one means that 70 percent fewer steps are needed to set up the press for the subsequent job
  • All the steps of relevance for the job change are clearly shown and completed in the most time-efficient way
  • Depending on the number of jobs and their complexity, annual production capacities can be increased by up to eight percent
  • Intellistart 2 assistance system for machines with Wallscreen XL
  • The Color Assistant Pro assistance system offers high-precision ink metering, optimum ink presetting, and much less paper waste during setup. Color presetting profiles for different papers, inks, and printing conditions are automatically optimized. Ink fountain liner wear is automatically compensated

Shortest makeready times

Color Fast Solution: Various software applications running automatically in the background ensure fast inking-up with minimal waste and a stable ink-water balance. This is achieved with the following functions among others:

  • Automatic ink vibrator throw-off through optimized vibrator shutdown at the end of the job
  • “Smart Restart” for improved preinking and less start-up waste after printing is interrupted
  • Status-controlled preinking programs
  • “Color Booster” for accelerated inking unit reactions
  • Speed-compensated predampening programs for less start-up waste
  • “Green light” signals to the operator when ink or register corrections are complete and new settings can be made or a control sheet removed
  • Speed-compensated predampening programs for less start-up waste with the Speedmaster XL 75 Anicolor
  • “Green light” on the Speedmaster XL 75 Anicolor signals when register corrections or temperature settings are complete and new settings can be made or a control sheet removed

Maximum user-friendliness

  • The Prinect Press Center XL 2 offers unique and intelligent control software with a user-friendly operating philosophy that is the same across all models
  • The intuitive and unique control software with its easy to understand menu structure reliably guides the operator through the various processes at all times
  • Easy, direct remote control of the lateral, circumferential, and diagonal registers as well as the ink zones, ink fountain roller, and water pan roller speed
  • Job-specific storage of machine settings
  • System-supported maintenance instructions as well as logging of maintenance activities
  • Unique online help in 26 languages for fast explanation of the respective key function directly on the touchscreen as well as the full online user manual in 7 languages
  • Interface for the Internet-based Heidelberg Remote Services (e.g. eCall) offers unique analysis options as well as fast and efficient support
  • Coordinated software options permit modular expansion of the control software functions as well as direct integration into the Prinect production workflow and for Performance Benchmarking

Maximum productivity

  • The Prinect Press Center XL 2 integrates the press into the Prinect print shop workflow for excellent data management, current production data, and informative reports
  • Networking with other areas makes it possible to retrieve job data at any time and initiate processes
  • All the system’s job and presetting data for the press can be adopted at the job preparation stage
  • The operator can also obtain an overview of all outstanding print jobs just as quickly thanks to transparent job scheduling on the touchscreen
  • The Prinect Press Center XL 2 in turn provides the Prinect Pressroom Manager with shop floor data on all current status, ensuring that production data reports are always up to date
  • Prinect Performance Benchmarking tells you how productively you are working by anonymously comparing your data with that of your competitors

Shortest makeready times

  • The Prinect workflow uses production data such as job information, preview images, and ink presettings for fast and precise workflows for fast makeready processes
  • Prinect coordinates the prepress and print processes and calibrates inking on the presses for fast inking-up
  • Spectrophotometric color measurement systems for optimal, reproducible color stability such as the Prinect Inpress Control 2 inline color measurement system for maximum productivity, the high-performance Prinect Axis Control, and Prinect Image Control 3 for measuring the entire print image
  • Dynamic ink control with Prinect color measurement systems significantly reduces the measuring intervals
  • Ongoing control with color measurement systems for reliable results during production

Maximum productivity

Unique in offset printing: fully automated job changing – from the last to the first good sheet until production starts – Push to Stop Vital first step towards Push to Stop and therefore a new level of productivity – the new Prinect Press Center XL 2 with Wallscreen XL and Intellistart 2 in combination with the Speedmaster boasts the following components:

  • Seamless transition between process steps with Intellistart 2. For the first time, up to 30 follow-up orders can be prepared and released using the job queue while production is still underway
  • It is also possible to process these released jobs fully automated by having the makeready process for the next job start automatically after the previous job ends
  • The Prinect Inpress Control 2 inline color measurement system with the new Quality Assist function of Intellistart 2 automatically switches the machine to “production run” and in so doing switches on the good-sheet counter once the quality requirements are met
  • In addition, InsertStar can insert a tape fully automatically at this point in order to separate good sheets from waste paper
  • The high level of automation of the press, workflow integration, processes with Prinect, and the machine availability offered by smart, preventative services all come together to increase the level of uninterrupted productivity
  • Systematic elimination of downtimes reduces the operator’s workload and maximizes the productivity of the overall process

Shortest makeready times

  • New job preparation system for preparing more jobs with fewer clicks
  • Controlling the setup process on the Wallscreen XL makes it possible to display all the information about a job at a glance
  • Another significant increase in transparency and a reduction in the amount of setup work
  • New, extended job list on the Wallscreen XL for clear classification of the job parameters into individual columns that can be sorted and therefore offer more information at a glance. Job data from the Prinect workflow such as process and spot colors, format, and grammage is displayed directly
  • Improved job identification and faster job changes as well as even shorter setup times, since jobs with the same format or process and spot colors can be processed one after the other in succession, meaning that fewer press settings need to be changed
  • Complete integration makes it possible to select a job, review the job data transparently at a glance, then select and release a job straight away without any manual input
  • The result: select and release jobs for printing with just 2 clicks!

Maximum user-friendliness

  • Unique overview of all machine processes with Wallscreen XL, the large screen integrated into the ambient light shield
  • Operation is made even more direct with the new operating philosophy with swipe control, reorganized interface with four main screens and a favorites bar
  • Intellistart 2 automatically generates all the steps required for intelligent job changes and provides maximum transparency across all active and queued processes
  • Live simulation of the time-optimized setup processes with Intelliguide. This enables progress across the entire makeready process to be monitored directly and visually at a glance at all times
  • Both the manual processes performed by the operator during challenging job changes and the fully automatic processes performed in parallel are modeled on a single timeline in a time-optimized order for easy navigation through even complex makeready processes
  • The new myWallscreen function makes it possible to query and compile information about the press on a user-specific basis. For example, several views can be custom displayed in myScreen
  • Complete transparency during setup and production with the new Intellistart 2 and myWallscreen functions
  • Operation of adapted Prinect applications and external applications via remote desktop connections permits effective workflow integration

Components are not always available for all models.


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