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Superior Large Format Partner. Suprasetter 145/162/190.

  • Superlative precision and reliability
  • Convenient plate handling
  • A modular format with expansion capability for speed and automation


The Suprasetter 145/162/190 are your reliable partners for the large format. Their patented laser system with intelligent laser diodes ensures high depth of focus for outstanding quality and maximum production reliability. The Suprasetter 145/162/190 can be fitted with integrated punches for the superb register accuracy. And if you are working with process-less plates, there is an optional suction and dust filter system to protect the inside of the equipment.

Fully automatic too, if that is what you need: Our large format platesetter are modular.They can be expanded for fully automatic operation at any time with an Auto Cassette Loader and an Auto Pallet Loader. The loading systems dock at the back of the unit, leaving the plate compartment accessible for manual loading. This is a major advantage compared with conventional systems, where bypass mode is usually limited.


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Heidelberg India Pvt. Ltd. is a 100 percent wholly owned subsidiary of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg), Germany.

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