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Stahlfolder KH 66 and Stahlfolder KH 82.

1.Stahlfolder KH 66 and Stahlfolder KH 82 increase your net output by an average of at least 1,000 sheets per hour
2.The automated cross-fold units reduce the time spent on makeready by up to 80 percent, depending on the job
3.Standard slitter shaft carriages greatly facilitate adjustments to the slitter shafts
4.Folding precision and productivity go hand in hand in Stahlfolder KH 66 / KH 82 – also at high machine speeds
5.Improved sheet guidance ensures exceedingly stable paper travel
6.The new, low-wear folding knife system maximizes machine uptime

-Expand Your Production Possibilities with a Future-Proof Folding Machine

Stahlfolder KH 66 and Stahlfolder KH 82 are genuinely universal folding machines that dependably support you in meeting all imaginable production requirements. They cover a huge range, letting you fold signatures for booklets and books but also cost-effectively handle commercial jobs of all sizes with top-quality results. The extremely wide range of papers it can process is also unrivalled.

Stahlfolder KH 66 and Stahlfolder KH 82 accomplish what used to seem impossible: They give you an exceedingly fast combination folding machine with ultrafast makeready and stable production. Their intelligent automation lets you perfectly execute demanding jobs in a minimum of time.

Read more here about Stahlfolder KH 66 and Stahlfolder KH 82.


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