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Speedmaster SX 102-8-P not only increases Productivity but also reduces wasting by 57%-70%.

Hedielberg co2Speedmaster SX 102-8-P. 32 percent increase in productivity, reduced waste by 57 percent and a reduction in startup waste by 70 percent, the figures Quo Vadis delight day after day.

Efficiency at the highest level

Les Editions Quo Vadis has specialized in the production of pocket planners on a very unique market segment and is market leader here. The impressive increase in productivity meant that in the last six months, 18 percent of the work hours could be saved. But not only the productivity but also the quality is crucial in this high-quality, mostly four-color printed planners: “We work primarily light weights for which the registration has two hundred percent correct. For us this is extremely important and was also crucial for our decision in favor of the Speedmaster SX 102, since the turn of the machine works very efficiently, “explains Patrick Douard, head of press and postpress.

The printing house Les Editions Quo Vadis was founded in 1954 and belongs since 1999 as a subsidiary of Exacompta Clairefontaine Group. At the site Carquefou is located on 18,000 square meters, almost the entire printing and finishing workflow. About 10 million per year planners are here with 260 employees and produces world, exported to 45 countries, mainly in Asia and other European countries. An important aspect of Quo Vadis is sustainability. The company is certified according to several environmental and ISO standards and awarded the label “Origine France Guarantee”. Of course, the Speedmaster SX 102 is made CO2 neutral and produces alcohol free. And it pays off. A major client has already retrieved from environmental aspects, the production of his pocket planners from Asia to Quo Vadis.

Basis for environmental performance and the productivity of the Speedmaster SX 102 are mainly Inpress Control, the inline measurement and control system for color and register as well as the fully automatic plate changer Auto Plate for Patrick Douard Pro. But the efficient washing programs and the ease of operation is characterized by the machine for him. For Patrick Douard is clear: “The latest technology from Heidelberg Quo Vadis have helped to achieve the desired increase in productivity and to meet the new requirements of the clients.”

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