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Secret no. 3: Safe washing processes, efficient cleaning – gentle to the surfaces.

The ink fountain system plays a central role in the productivity of your Heidelberg printing presses. It has a big influence on the quality and efficiency of the ink transfer into the inking system at three points. We developed products for this that boost your printing performance – all coordinated and from a single source:

the ink fountain liners developed and tested by Heidelberg and the patented ink duct cheek foils ensure the best possible ink transfer and the fastest color changes. The Heidelberg Wash-up & Go System reduces the cleaning effort and gets the press back into production faster. And the best thing: Setup is very fast and easy.

  • Optimized ink fountain liners, ink duct cheek foils, and Wash-up & Go
  • Three products released by Heidelberg for greater productivity
  • Less paper waste thanks to perfect ink transfer
  • Fast and clean color changes

Boost the productivity of your printing presses now with a coordinated ink fountain system. Our application specialists will answer your questions.

Heidelberg India

Heidelberg India Pvt. Ltd. is a 100 percent wholly owned subsidiary of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg), Germany.

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