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Everything from a single source. Saphira Consumables.

Saphira consumables from Heidelberg are carefully selected and tested by experts. In addition to being perfect for the equipment they are used with, they are designed to produce excellent print results at maximum speeds – for top-quality, stable Production Saphira consumables are available for the pressroom, prepress, and postpress – and all at reasonable prices.

We offer proven and tested consumables backed up by our unrivaled range of training, support and consulting services.

Products to meet specific application or market requirements are tested either in our labs at Heidelberg headquarters or locally to ensure they meet the exacting demands of our customers. We have added the motif “Manufactured for Heidelberg” to all the consumables sold under our own brands to emphasize that such products have met our exacting standards.

Our consumables portfolio includes:

  • Plates
  • Film processors
  • Inks
  • Wash rolls and blankets
  • Pressroom products
  • Proofing papers and inks
  • Varnishes and coatings


Heidelberg India

Heidelberg India Pvt. Ltd. is a 100 percent wholly owned subsidiary of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg), Germany.

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