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Professional production. Stahlfolder BH/CH.

Our tried and tested Stahlfolder BH/CH folding machines offer all the benefits you would expect of Heidelberg: high reliability, stable productivity, and dependable folding quality. The compact design and the automation options require only a minimum of settings. This makes it easier for you to get started with professional folding and brings your folding up to state-of-the-art standards.

The Stahlfolder BH buckle plate machines and Stahlfolder CH combination folding machines will reduce your throughput times, enabling you to respond flexibly to order peaks. This means that you can accommodate additional capacity for producing high-quality folded products at any time, should you need it. The low volume means that your investment will pay itself off within the shortest time, even with one-shift operation.

So no matter whether your focus is professional quality and fast turnaround times, consistently high output, or modernizing your postpress setup, the technology of the Stahlfolder BH/CH folding machines will always deliver good results. Their ease of operation makes them suitable for producing a wide range of signatures for producing books or commercial products like flyers. Build on a reliable partnership for your postpress needs and count on the special qualities of Heidelberg with the Stahlfolder BH/CH folding machines.

Feeder (1)

Three feeder variants available – adapted to different demands

With flat pile feeder, round continuous feeder and pallet feeder, the Stahlfolder BH/CH folding machines offer the required feeding system for every demand.

Flat pile feeder

The flat pile feeder is designed for frequently changing fold jobs with small to medium run lengths. It ensures a perfect sheet separation and is easy to operate. Further advantages are the little space requirements and the low investment costs. The preloading device allows the operator to prepare follow-up jobs already while the current job is running. For this purpose further mobile pile tables, which only need to be exchanged during the set-up, can be loaded on the folder or already on the cutting machine. This minimizes unproductive downtimes.

Round continuous feeder

The round continuous feeders process different kinds of paper in non-stop operation in medium to large runs – wavy sheets and pre-folded, -perforated or -punched products are laid onto an especially long loading table in shingled way. Due to this non-stop feeding the daily production is approx. 20% higher compared to the flat pile feeder. The ergonomic loading height of 94 centimeters is pleasant for the operator and supports a quick loading.

Pallet feeder

The pallet feeder is the feeder with the lowest expenditure for the operator. Sheets do not need to be pre-piled – in fact the pallet can pull from the delivery of the press directly into the feeder of the folding machine. This reduces the setup time which allows the operator to fully concentrate on the folding and unloading of the sheets. This way the performance of the folding machine can be fully used in one-man-operation. The maximum pallet height of 1.20 meters is ideally matched to the delivery height of a typical sheet-fed printing press.

Feeder details:

  • Sheet separation device Tremat: provides ventilation and pre-separation of the sheets in flat or pallet feeder by means of continuously adjustable blowers at the trailing sheet edge. The Tremat ensures a stable and high productivity of the folding machine with clearly reduced setup time.
  • Sheet acceleration with suction wheel: A polyurethane-coated suction wheel ensures that the sheets are separated quickly and without markings, accelerated reliably and conveyed onto the register table.
  • Optional feeder automation: All thickness-relevant settings for folding rollers and slitter shafts are automatically adjusted to the job-specific values.

Modular control system MCT (2)

Modular control system MCT for easy operation of your folding machine

The graphical user interface makes the operation easy. With Touchscreen and QuickSetup all necessary settings are done with just four clicks.

The MCT control system consists of a central control panel at the feeder of the folding machine and integrated control functions, both in the following units as well as in the delivery which offer complete control over the most important machine functions. In the learning mode the sheet length is measured and the suction cycle length and sheet gap are automatically set and continuously monitored.

  • Machine operation: The user interface of the control panel works with self-explanatory symbols which are clear and explicit regarding function and operation.
  • Central Touchscreen: Automated Stahlfolder BH/CH folding machines are equipped with a central touchscreen. The graphical user interface with intuitive symbols makes the operation of the machine extremely simple. A setup assistant leads the operator through the setting process step by step. The most common fold programs can easily be selected from an integrated fold type catalogue. The folding machine can be set with data from the workflow as well.
  • The new operating mode QuickSetup reduces the range of the control system to the most important settings. Only the sheet format, grammage and fold type must be selected to setup the folding machine. This way you do not only avoid setup errors but your folder is ready for production with only four clicks.

Accessories (3)

A gluing attachment and image recognition systems can be integrated at the alignment table. This allows for the production of final products on the folder and increases the added value.

Folding units (4)

Buckle plate folding units: Top fold accuracy and short setup times

The Stahlfolder BH buckle plate folders offer maximum flexibility for most different folding applications. The single folding units are mobile and can be positioned depending on the fold type. Thanks to the uniform MCT control system of Heidelberg a Stahlfolder BH configuration can also be combined with other Stahlfolder components like modern delivery systems or a mobile knife fold unit.

Details Buckle plate unit:

  • Folding roller drive: The external folding roller drive is equipped with hardened and helically toothed gears, thus providing an extremely precise and nonslip transportation of sheets. The fold quality remains continuously high during the complete production run.
  • ExtraGrip folding rollers made of polyurethane (PU) consist of a steel core with recessed PU rings. The soft PU material comes with a better drag force, offers excellent register accuracy, avoids markings and supports a fully parallel, form-fit paper transport.
  • Manual or motor-driven adjustment of folding rollers: the setting of the folding roller gaps can either be done manually with the proven FESTA-settings or by motorized means.

Cross-fold unit: optimum capacity on little space

With the cross-fold unit of the Stahlfolder CH models the folding is done by means of the downward movement of the folding knives and counter-rotating folding rollers which create the fold. The advantage of the cross-fold unit is that one or more cross-folds can be done on very little space.

Details cross-fold unit:

  • Cross-fold configurations: The Stahlfolder CH machines are available in the cross-fold variants KL, KTL or – with a working width of 78 centimeters – also as KLL or KTLL version. This guarantees high productivity especially for the most common signature productions.
  • Folding knife: The folding knife is released by a light sensor which is activated by the trailing sheet edge, thus avoiding misfolded sheets in the delivery. The reinforced knife version ensures a long service life and constantly high fold quality. The segmentation of the first folding knife even allows for a processing of small formats with minimum sheet gap.
  • Ergonomic operation: The cross-fold unit is equipped with a central control panel which is mounted on a swivel arm. It allows for an easy operation and good accessibility to all adjustable parts in the cross-fold unit.Cross-fold unit KT in working width 56

    The cross-fold unit of the Stahlfolder CH 56 KT auto with motor-driven buckle plate after the folding knife is completely automated – the first time in format range 50 × 70 cm. After entering the job data at the touchscreen all necessary parameters take their positions in a motorized way, both in parallel and in cross-fold section. This reduces your setup times. In larger circulations you score with the constant high output of the Stahlfolder CH 56 KT auto. This makes you very successful also with a hybrid job structure consisting of small runs from digital presses and larger circulations from conventional offset presses.

    Folding rollers (5)

    The ExtraGrip folding rollers with soft PU and optional hard PU avoid markings and ensure an exact, nonslip sheet transport even with difficult papers.

    Buckle plates (6)

    Different buckle plates offer suitable equipment for every application.

    Buckle plates with swing deflector

    Stahlfolder BH/CH folding machines are equipped with buckle plates with swing deflector by default. They can easily be changed into the swing deflector mode. The buckle plate need not be dismantled from the machine – it is just slightly pulled back and the swing deflector is turned. This procedure saves time and avoids damages.

    Automated combination buckle plates

    In the positions 1 to 6 automated combination buckle plates can be used as an option. They are equipped with two motors and precise toothed belts to change the position and the angle of the sheet stop. The buckle plates are controlled via the central touchscreen at the feeder. Repeat jobs can be set-up more quickly as stored settings can be retrieved from the memory.

    Gate fold buckle plate

    The pneumatic gate fold buckle plate allows for a high number of cycles up to 15.000 cycles per hour – with constantly high fold quality. The digital control unit ACC 2.4 controls the switch points of the pneumatic gate fold buckle plate precisely, individually and independent from the fold speed. The pneumatic gate fold buckle plate allows for fold lengths of 6.5 centimeters.

    Slitter shafts (7)

    Slitter shafts to enlarge your process steps

    The Stahlfolder BH/CH folding machines are equipped with a pair of rear-mounted slitter shafts by default. This allows you to crease, perforate and cut in the folding machine which increases the fold quality and allows for multiple-up production.

    Deliveries (8)

    Wide range of deliveries: the ideal delivery for every configuration

    At the exit of the folding machine different deliveries carry out the folded sheets so that they can be stacked on pallets by the operator. The range of different deliveries varies from simple stream deliveries over horizontal stack deliveries with up to high-capacity deliveries. Additionally the deliveries can be equipped with pressing rollers to press the signatures: This reduces the pile volume and makes the following finishing processes easier. Marking devices, which offset the piles laterally, make it easier to take away the folded products. In case of multiple-up production, the single ups can additionally be dispersed. Therefore the delivery used essentially determines the productivity of the complete system. The high performances of the Stahlfolder folding machines can only be achieved when using suitable deliveries.


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Heidelberg India Pvt. Ltd. is a 100 percent wholly owned subsidiary of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg), Germany.

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