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One copy just like the next. Prinect Image Control 3.

Prinect Image Control 3 is the world’s leading spectrophotometric measurement and control system for monitoring the entire printing process. The system’s big advantage is that measurement is not restricted to the print control strip but covers the whole print image while at the same time providing automatic online control for all printing units. This minimizes color fluctuations and enables users to work with standardized, reproducible color values at all times. In conjunction with the Mini Spot workflow, Prinect Image Control 3 ensures reliable control of day-to-day print production. Detailed reports facilitate internal analyses and the provision of documentary evidence to customers. The color measurement system can be used for up to four presses at once.

General highlights

High user-friendliness and flexibility

  • Standalone color measurement system for connection to up to four Speedmaster printing presses
  • Image measurement system for spectral recording of the entire printed sheet up to 75 cm x 106 cm
  • Single measuring head with polarization filter for measuring in the print control strip
  • Touchscreen operation
  • Displays density, L*a*b*, achievement of target color ΔE, dot gain, slurring/doubling, best match
  • Micro print control strips with measurement patch sizes of 3.25 mm x 4 mm can be used without restriction across all formats
  • Maintenance-free LED light source
  • Vacuum suction of the printed sheets
  • High measuring speed of 200 mm/second

Fast and reliable coordination of the print job

Shortest makeready times

  • To a large extent the setup of Prinect Image Control 3 is done automatically, based on prepress data. Print control strips, Mini Spots, and controllable solid patches are recognized directly in the print image
  • Based on the spectrophotometric information from the stored color values, substrate, and measurements from the print control strip and print image, Prinect Image Control 3 calculates the color deviations in the individual ink zones
  • Spectral control enables the influence of paper and ink on the measuring result to be analyzed separately. Unlike conventional density control using fixed target values, the print process is continuously monitored and the regulation target values are automatically adapted, if necessary

Image control for the highest standards

Highest quality

  • Reproducible results and compliance with standards are an essential part of high-quality print products. Precise reproduction of logos and color areas is extremely important to manufacturers of brand products, for example. Prinect Image Control 3 therefore controls homogeneous image elements not only in the print control strip, but additionally in the entire print image

Highest productivity

  • The software automatically recognizes this information from the PPF data from prepress
  • What’s more, Prinect Image Control 3 is the only system on the market to also supports direct control of CMYK images. At the touch of a button, the OK sheet is stored as a reference for the production run. Even if the colors in the print control strip match the standard, the printed image may differ from the original approved by the customer if the image is controlled only by print control strips. Should tone values in the image areas fluctuate during the production run, the color changes are automatically recognized by Prinect Image Control 3 and adapted to the reference approved by the customer, the OK sheet, as exactly as possible. This direct image control according to OK sheet is particularly useful for commercial jobs, for work and turn jobs in one form, and for repeat jobs

Quality analysis of the OK sheet and ongoing process control

Shortest makeready times

  • Once the printer has adjusted the OK sheet, he can immediately check how it matches the standard. Quality Monitor, the optional software for quality analysis, analyzes the measuring data of the print control strip and additional measuring elements known as Mini Spots. Besides the evenness of zonal inking, it is also particularly important to analyze the tone value increase curves and the color match with the color space of the print standard. Quality analyses are available in the same way during print production for process control purposes

Comprehensive reporting

Maximum user-friendliness

  • Prinect Image Control 3 records all quality parameters, measuring results, and the number of measurements. The data can be displayed using the Analyze Point feature of the Prinect Pressroom Manager and printed out at any time.
    Its detailed reports are suitable both as a basis for internal quality analyses and for providing customers with comprehensive proof of print quality

Effective color management

Maximum precision

  • Prinect Image Control 3 measures approximately 50 million measuring spots in just 20 seconds and stores a complete spectral curve for each spot. This speed enables complex test charts to be measured up to full print format and all measurements to be exported, e.g. to the Prinect Color Toolbox, at the touch of a button

Netprofiler – the software for independent calibration

Short makeready times

  • Netprofiler is the calibration software from Heidelberg for spectrophotometric color measurement and control systems such as Prinect Image Control 3. It minimizes negative effects on color reproduction by correcting deviations in color data and using calibrated color references to adjust measured values
  • The calibration can be done by the printer himself in the print shop without external service technicians

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