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Commercial printers in industrialized countries invest in maximum productivity and optimum availability with the Speedmaster XL 106 long perfecting press from Heidelberg.


  • Long-term stability and reliable all-round performance
  • Outstanding preset functions and wide range of substrates
  • Investment and follow-up orders from print shops worldwide
  • British customers announce new orders worth millions of euros
Commercial print shops in industrialized countries often pursue cost leadership as a business model to ensure they are competitive. To achieve lean and standardized print production, they require suitable presses with a high level of automation, simple operation, and short makeready times. The Speedmaster XL 106 from Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg) is becoming a benchmark in the 70 x 100 cm (27.56 x 39.37 in) format thanks to the outstanding preset functions throughout the press – from the feeder and printing units to the perfecting device and delivery. It was unveiled at drupa 2012 and since then over 300 eight-, ten-, and twelve-color long perfectors have been installed, mostly in countries such as the UK, Germany, the U.S., Japan, Belgium, and Switzerland. Print shops value the long-term stability of this press, as it enables them to produce the maximum number of saleable print sheets cost-effectively across a wide range of substrates.

The Speedmaster XL 106 offers the broadest range of configurations in the 70 x 100 cm format. It supports from two to 19 units, with or without perfecting device. As a customized press, it is available as an LPL configuration (coating unit before and after sheet reversal), as a Duo press with flexographic printing units before the offset units, or as a rotary die cutter for products such as inmold labels. In the LPL version, the front and reverse sides of the sheet are printed and coated in a single pass and the sheet arrives on the pile so dry that it can be passed on directly to postpress. This delivers productivity 30 to 40 percent higher than for a straight press.

Stephens & George – maximum flexibility and optimum delivery times for customers
British commercial printer Stephens & George recently invested more than EUR 7.1 million (over £6 million) in two new Speedmaster XL 106 eight-color perfecting presses with production speeds of 18,000 sheets per hour. These are equipped with the CutStar sheeter, the Prinect Inpress Control inline measuring and control system, and the AutoPlate XL automatic plate changer. “This time we also obtained a quote from another supplier but, following an evaluation by my print shop manager and myself, we once again opted for Heidelberg,” explains Andrew Jones, Managing Director at Stephens & George. “We’re convinced the Speedmaster XL 106 is superior to all other presses.” Stephens & George ordered two Speedmaster XL 106 presses at drupa 2012, including the world’s first eight-color with a production speed of 15,000 sheets per hour and a five-color with a speed of 18,000 sheets per hour, which has enabled it to achieve significant productivity increases. The two new presses have now been ordered to process the ever increasing number of orders. “Our average run lengths have fallen from 7,500 to 6,500 in the last few years, with the result that minimal makeready times are very important for us,” says Jones. The first of the new presses will be delivered in February 2014, and the second a year later, with an older press then also being replaced.
Stephens & George has a workforce of approximately 230 employees, with production divided equally between magazines and advertising materials. The company, which was founded in 1912, has branches in London and Glasgow and a state-of-the-art print shop in Merthyr Tydfil and is one of the leading commercial printers in the UK.

Westdale Press – competitive thanks to cutting-edge press technology
By ordering two Speedmaster XL 106 ten-color presses, Welsh commercial print shop Westdale Press in Cardiff has also opted once again for Heidelberg. “We’d actually toyed with the idea of going with another manufacturer but, at the end of the day, we have the utmost trust in the technology from Heidelberg we have been using so far,” explains Alan Padbury, Managing Director. The pressroom already houses two other Speedmaster XL presses in the 75 x 105 cm format. “We expect double-digit growth in productivity from our new Speedmaster XL 106 with Prinect Inpress Control, Autoplate XL, and a production speed of 15,000 sheets per hour. This press will be delivered in April 2014 and will then replace an older model, which was the world´s first 12 color XL.” It will be used mainly to produce shorter runs between 500 and 10,000 sheets. This will be followed a year later by the installation of the Speedmaster XL 106 ten-color perfecting press, equipped with Prinect Inpress Control and offering a speed of 18,000 sheets per hour. It will be used to produce longer runs and Westdale Press forecasts 70 million prints a year on this press alone. The 140 employees produce quality print products such as brochures, direct mailings, calendars, and high-gloss magazines around the clock. “We’ve remained profitable even in the crisis and are now seeing a market upturn and print buyers who are spending money on quality,” confirms Padbury.

Satisfied customers throughout the world
Germany continues to be the largest market for Speedmaster XL 106 long perfectors and is also where numerous customers have once again invested in this press or placed follow-up orders this year. Yet print shops in the U.S., Japan, and the UK also value this highly productive press and place their trust in technology from Heidelberg. Heidelberg has thus increased its market share in long perfectors in the 70 x 100 cm format to almost 80 percent.

Figure 1: Andrew Jones (right), Managing Director of the Stephens & George print shop, his production manager Paul Enoch (center), and Gerard Heanue, Managing Director of Heidelberg UK, at the signing of the contract for two new Speedmaster XL 106 eight-color perfecting presses.

Figure 2: Alan Padbury, Managing Director of British commercial print shop Westdale Press in Cardiff, has once again opted for Heidelberg and ordered two Speedmaster XL 106 ten-color presses.

For additional details about the company and image material, please visit the Press Lounge of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG


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Heidelberg India Pvt. Ltd. is a 100 percent wholly owned subsidiary of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg), Germany.

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