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Indian packaging printer investing in productivity and automation solutions from Heidelberg for further growth

1. Parksons Packaging Ltd. orders two presses from the new Speedmaster CX 102 generation on the spot at drupa 2016
3. Company has invested in a total of five presses from this series in the last two years
4. Decisive factor: the customer benefits offered by the complete package of machines, services, and consumables

Parksons Packaging Ltd., one of the biggest packaging print shops in India, ordered two of the latest generation Speedmaster CX 102 presses on the spot at drupa 2016. The company has developed a strong partnership with Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg) since its establishment in 1996, and has installed numerous Heidelberg presses over the years. “Two years ago we were looking around for a press capable of producing the increasingly short runs in packaging printing quickly and economically, and decided on the Speedmaster CX 102 after a long search,” explains Ramesh Kejriwal, founder and Chairman of Parksons Packaging. “It exceeded our expectations, and we ended up installing two more CX 102 presses. Ramesh Kejriwal and his two sons were so impressed by the new Speedmaster CX 102 generation at drupa 2016 that they ordered 2 more CX 102 presses, both long and automated configurations for packaging. This investment also represents the biggest order for Heidelberg India at any drupa trade fair.

Complete package for a safe investment

Heidelberg’s strategy of delivering a complete and optimally coordinated package comprising machines, services, and consumables was the decisive factor. “The new machines will mean shorter makeready times, faster job changes, and greater automation. This high productivity is all the more important for us given the steady increase in labor costs in India,” says Ramesh Kejriwal. Like the Speedmaster CX 102 presses already in use in the company, the new machines are also equipped with Prinect Inpress Control for automatic verification and control of color and register on the fly. The new Speedmaster CX 102 generation is also easy to use thanks to the Prinect Press Center XL 2 and the integrated Intellistart 2 software. It guides the operator through the workflows and calculates the fastest way of changing from one job to another. “These two new machines will mean fast resumption of production after the many ink changes we are faced with in packaging printing, and the high level of automation will ensure high quality with less waste,” explains Ramesh Kejriwal. “Our business has grown by 25 percent CAGR in the last ten years, and we want to invest carefully to continue this growth in the future. We are impressed by the reliability and stability of Heidelberg’s machines.” The first new drupa machine will be installed at the end of this year, and the second will follow early next year.

Parksons Packaging Ltd. has its headquarters in Mumbai and four other production locations in India. The company employs over 1,200 people in total and produces high-quality folding cartons for discerning customers in India as well as international manufacturers of branded goods. It processes over 70,000 metric tons of cardboard each year.

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Heidelberg India

Heidelberg India Pvt. Ltd. is a 100 percent wholly owned subsidiary of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg), Germany.

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