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Heidelberg Assistant. Your digital interface with Heidelberg.

Digitalization is redefining collaboration: intelligently linked and analyzed, data provides meaningful status and performance information. Because in order to make the right decisions, you need transparency. The Heidelberg Assistant provides you with answers. It is your interactive communication platform, with all the information about the print shop.

The whole print shop at a glance.

With the Heidelberg Assistant, you can access important performance indicators, service contracts, and services at any time, and keep a close eye on the availability and efficiency of your machines.

At the same time, the Heidelberg Assistant is your access to different Heidelberg products and services: you communicate conveniently online and can transfer information for technical clarification quickly and easily.

Access is extremely simple – via your PC, tablet or smartphone.

Smart applications for your success.

The Heidelberg Assistant is available free of charge to all Heidelberg customers. The following applications are included, additional services can be added.
Get in touch with us or your sales representative for further information, a one-on-one demonstration, and everything you are interested in about the Heidelberg Assistant.


Heidelberg India

Heidelberg India Pvt. Ltd. is a 100 percent wholly owned subsidiary of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg), Germany.

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