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Folio orders two new buckle folders from Heidelberg

Folio Print Finishers will this week take delivery of two new Stahlfolders, a BH82 and a BH66, and they will move directly into 24-hour production.

“Eighteen months ago we invested in a new binder but to keep that operating to capacity we needed to invest in more up to date folding capacity,” says Andy Bird, managing director. “These are direct replacements for older B1 and B2 machines and are funded by a Regional Growth Fund grant.”

The company has been working in partnership with Heidelberg for over 20 years, a relationship that works because it likes the reliability of the equipment and security of the service.


“We didn’t need fully automatic machines because we take work from many different printers so are handling different stocks, formats and folds all the time so the operators would be constantly over-riding the system. However, these are more automated than the machines we have had and will give us a significant lift in productivity and efficiency as well as a consistently good fold,” says Mr Bird.

Folio Print Finishers know that with this investment they will be able to give customers the turnround and quality they want and expect.

With fewer and fewer trade finishers in the industry, Folio Print Finishers is taking in work from nationwide and is winning business because of its extensive range of services which include perfect binding, PUR, stitching, thread sewing, one piece mailers, Wire-O binding, remoist gluing, miniature work and punching.

“Print finishers become rarer by the month,” he says. “You have to have a passion for the business because the demands are very high. One call and you can be flat out and needing additional staff. We are lucky that we have a flexible, reliable and knowledgeable team and there are casual workers to call on too.”

Folio employs 45 staff at its Bristol premises.

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