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Discover 10 secrets, proven to perform. Saphira Low Chem & DOP Plates.

Secret no. 6:
Avoid chemistry and substantially save on rinse water for imaging and cleaning of printing plates in the developing process.

Until now, different chemicals are needed in the development process of printing plates for de-coating of the imaged area. Through the use of our patented cascade system, newly designed Saphira processors minimize the use of chemistry or clean out gum and wash water.
The introduction of the new processors with the novel cascade system makes the last cleaning step with tap water unnecessary. Thus each plate saves you 5 – 10 liters of tap water and extrapolated to more than several thousand liters a year!

Further good reasons in favor of this economical and ecologically considerate plate production:

  • No fixed tap water connection is required
  • Optimum utilization of plates chemistry and/or clean out gum
  • Low maintenance effort
  • Safe and predictable plate making
  • A contribution to a better environment with Saphira printing plate systems.

The future of plate making is here: Reduce the use of chemicals to the lowest levels and save significant amounts of water.

Heidelberg India

Heidelberg India Pvt. Ltd. is a 100 percent wholly owned subsidiary of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg), Germany.

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