You are here:  / Products / A robust flatbed die-cutter for highest register accuracy, shortest changeover times and consistent score quality. The Heidelberg FCL.

A robust flatbed die-cutter for highest register accuracy, shortest changeover times and consistent score quality. The Heidelberg FCL.

In the end, only performance counts. With this in mind, we designed the Heidelberg FCL diecutter to provide maximum uptime, superior performance and years of rugged service.
For decades, we have continuously developed and refined our flatbed die-cutting technology so that you can succeed given current market requirements.
Do you value outstanding performance and reliability and high punching pressure at the same time?
Are you searching for the perfect combination of cutting, creasing, embossing, window and outer contour punching?
Do you also want a 100% inspection control with a single blank ejection system for defective cartons?
If so, the Heidelberg FCL is the right choice!

Whether as an offline machine, or as an inline solution in combination with the Heidelberg Intro or Heidelberg ICS, the Heidelberg FCL is the ideal finish to your production line.


Highest productivity through robust design

The robust construction of the flatbed die-cutter Heidelberg FCL guarantees consistently high quality when cutting and embossing as well as excellent register accuracy.
An investment that pays off.

Low tool costs create competitive advantage

The tooling is affordable, and the fast and easy tool changes make the Heidelberg FCL an ideal solution even for smaller order quantities.

Simple and intuitive – a flexible machine with proven technology

Our patented feeder at the punching unit provides extremely quiet running and guarantees the highest register accuracy during the printing process. Format adjustments can be done by pressing a button, any changes made are stored directly in the main memory for quick recall the next time the job comes to press.

Realistic production performance up to 21,000 strokes per hour

With the Heidelberg FCL production speeds up to 220 m/min can easily be realized. Even challenging embossing and creasing structures can easily be produced with the FCL’s 300 tons of punching force. The cutter is able to convert all standard solid carton boards – virgin, recycled, laminated or not.

Setting up, adjusting and changing in record time

The job memory enables rapid setup. For all stored orders, motion profiles and positions are quickly retrieved and are executed precisely and automatically by means of servo drive technology. The most important adjustments, such as cutting force, can be made on the fly without machine stop. The cartridge system of the stripping unit enables offline preparation, reducing change times to a minimum.

All INLINE – Optimal combination creates perfect workflows and accelerates processes

The Heidelberg FCL is highly efficient. By combining it with a Heidelberg INTRO or Heidelberg ICS you create an optimal workflow within your print shop.

Thanks to the open interface architecture, the FCL can also be integrated with many other presses. With many years of experience in design and commissioning, and a great deal of accumulated diecutting expertise, we master even the most difficult challenges – in Germany and around the world.

We listen carefully to your requirements and recommend the solution that is right for you. Call us today for a no-obligation consultation.

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