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2019 New Year’s Resolutions for your Print Shop

With the New Year comes the opportunity for a “fresh start” to set your focus on moving your business forward to where you want to be in 2019. Last year, we focused on aligning your employees and processes with today’s changing technologies and processes. This year, we’re giving you a New Year’s Resolution for different areas of your business. Since every aspect of your business requires something different, it’s important to set individual goals in order to help your company thrive as a whole.

Each of our Product Experts has laid out one simple goal to focus on this year to make a huge impact on your print shop.

Prepress: Boost Your Profitability with Automation

Did you know that your profitability can be impacted by how efficient you are in your prepress workflow? This year, increase capacities by reducing touchpoints through automation. With Prinect Production Manager, you can reorganize your workflow and completely automate many of your processes allowing you to be more profitable in the entirety of your print shop.

Label: It’s Time to Take Steps to Increase Your Efficiencies!

As run lengths continue to get shorter, makeready tasks for label converters consume more valuable manned hours. Make 2019 the year you create a “Makeready Pit Crew.” The Crew focuses on the next job while the current job is running. Organize all of the needed tooling with consumables and create simple visual aids to eliminate forgotten tasks. When it’s time for a change-over, the Crew jumps in to support the tasks as well.

From the equipment side, our Heidelberg-Gallus Labelfire 340 will also help decrease your makeready times, while also providing shorter runs and more customization. With this resolution, you’ll be able to increase label volume, which will reduce costs and improve margin!

Sheetfed: Update Technology to Take Your Productivity to the Next Level!

If you’re a small print shop, 2019 is the year to make huge impacts on your productivity gains in your company. Invest in a press that offers you the flexibility and sustainability you need while also producing the quality your customers expect. Right now, the best press on the market for you is the Speedmaster CX 75, which is a multi-talented press that opens up a wide range of applications and a large variety of substrates for your customers. With its small footprint, the compact Speedmaster CX 75 can be perfectly integrated into any press room!

Digital: Stay Up-To-Date with Industry Trends and Competition in the Market

Falling into the routine of saying, “this is how we do it here” causes complacency in your company. Did you know that you have the opportunity to see how shops all over the country manufacture, print, and market their companies to clients? These suppliers often have open houses that allow you to go see how others run their business and help give your company ideas on where you can improve efficiencies or take your business in new profitable directions. This year, take advantage of these opportunities!

Heidelberg India

Heidelberg India Pvt. Ltd. is a 100 percent wholly owned subsidiary of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg), Germany.

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