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Making of the perfect Heidelberg-printed Carton

Heidelberg offers comprehensive solutions for the folding carton industry

The wide variety of products manufactured by folding carton specialists ranges from simple folding cartons to cardboard with special surface finishing. Unique end products, a high degree of manufacturing expertise and the use of particular special applications are important distinguishing characteristics for packaging printers in the food, confectionary, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and tobacco markets. From administration to data handling, from printing to finishing, die cutting and gluing, and even logistics – Heidelberg offers the perfect solution for all the process steps of folding carton production.

The premium service delivered by Heidelberg’s Systemservice, such as the comprehensive maintenance programs to avoid unnecessary downtime, the consulting and color-management services to increase the productivity and quality of the process chain, complete the solutions on offer.


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Heidelberg India

Heidelberg India Pvt. Ltd. is a 100 percent wholly owned subsidiary of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg), Germany.

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