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Environmental Policy of the Heidelberg Group


Within its industry, the Heidelberg Group is an exemplary sustainable company. By sustainability we understand the long term balance of ecology, economy and social responsibility.

Legal Compliance

We are committed to meeting all environment-related laws and regulations relevant for the Heidelberg Group.


We raise our employees’ and our partners’ awareness of sustainability.Through our communications, we act as an opinion leader in our industry and with all business partners.


Step by step, we are cutting emissions that are harmful to health and the environment, and we are committed to CO2 neutral production of our products and CO2 neutral offering of our services over the long term. We use a continuous improvement process (CIP) to ensure environmental impact and health risks are minimized on an ongoing basis or prevented altogether. We give preference to suppliers and partners whose products and services offer environmental and social added value and motivate them to pursue the further development of environmentally friendly offerings and services. We utilize targeted measures to cut energy consumption. We are continuously driving forward the changeover to energy generated from renewable sources. We are ensuring continuous increases in our resource efficiency, with the aim of creating production processes that do not result in any environmentally-critical waste.

Products and Services

We develop and drive forward eco-friendly innovations for all phases of the product life cycle – i.e. manufacturing, operation, and disposal/recycling – that are safe and reliable to operate. We boost the energy efficiency of our products where this is possible and makes sense. We cut paper waste, emissions, and process waste that occurs when operating our products. We expand our portfolio of services and consumables continuously, aiming to provide support for our customers in the eco-friendly design of their production facilities and production processes.

Transportation and Logistic

We optimize our transportation and logistics processes continuously with a view to ensuring environmentally friendly packaging, transportation, and transportation routes.

Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, September 2012

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Heidelberg India

Heidelberg India Pvt. Ltd. is a 100 percent wholly owned subsidiary of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg), Germany.

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